Mark White Director ofPartnership Programs The Nature Conservancy of Hawai‘i
Mark hasworked for the Conservancy for 18 years. Forthe first 12 years, Mark served as Director for the Maui Programfocusing onthe development of Watershed Partnerships. Throughout the 90’s, he helped developand implement plans for the East Maui Watershed Partnership. In 1998, he led theformation of the West Maui Mountains Watershed Partnership. The success of these Maui partnerships led to theformation of 10 watershedpartnerships on 6 islands in Hawai'i. Mark was also one of several who encouraged andsupported the formation of the Maui Invasive Species Committee (MISC) in 1997which subsequently led to the formation of invasive species committees on eachmajor island. From 2000 to 2002, Markserved as the Director of Conservation Programs for the Conservancy. During this time he also assisted theCoordinating Groups on Alien Pest Species (CGAPS).
In2003, he became the Director ofPartnership Programs and helped lead the formation of the Hawai'iAssociationof Watershed Parternerships (HAWP), whosemission is to help create and develop the capacity of watershedpartnerships throughout Hawai'i. Through thesepartnerships, Mark worked routinely with landowners, government, andprivateagencies to promote, develop and implement regional conservationpartnershipsthat abate threats to watersheds and biodiversity at the landscapescale. During 2004 and 2005, Mark served as Acting Directorof the Kaua‘i and later the O‘ahu Program of theHawai‘i Program of The Conservancy. During this time, Markalso assisted in theformation of the Pacific Invasives Learning Network (PILN), whichfosterslearning and techncial exchanges for invasives species practitionersthroughoutthe Pacific. He is also currently Acting Director of the Maui Program.